A Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique 12-digit hexadecimal number assigned to the networking interface on devices. It serves as an identification for a device on an IEEE 802 network.

Structure of a Mac Address:

Mac Address Format

Here, the first 6 hexadecimal digits make up the Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) portion identifying the manufacturer. The remaining 6 digits represent the serial number assigned to the network interface by the manufacturer.

When your device connects to a network, the Mac address is visible to all other networked devices and servers. Although the Mac address cannot directly provide access or control of a system, it does raise potential privacy concerns by allowing third-parties to track device activity across multiple networks.

According to a 2022 survey by Anonos, 79% of consumers are not comfortable with their personal devices being identifiable across locations for data sharing. As more smart IoT devices like the Raspberry Pi make their way into homes, modifying the factory-set Mac address provides a way to limit this network-based tracking and preserve user privacy.

In this comprehensive 2600+ word guide, we explore several techniques to view, spoof, randomize and permanently modify the Mac address in Raspberry Pi OS:

Methods for Viewing the Mac Address

Before changing the Mac address, we first need identify the current address used by Raspberry Pi on the network.

There are a couple of options to view the Mac address:

Using the ifconfig Command

The ifconfig command has been used to display and configure network interfaces in Unix-based systems for decades.

To view your Pi‘s Mac address, simply run:

$ ifconfig

Here is a sample output:

View Mac address using ifconfig

The 12 hex digits next to ether (highlighted above) represent your Pi‘s current Mac address.

Based on the prefix b8:27:eb, we can identify the manufacturer as Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Using ip Command

The newer ip command provides enhanced network configuration capabilities over the legacy ifconfig tool.

Use ip addr show to view network interface details:

$ ip addr show 

This includes the current Mac address assigned to interfaces like the wlan0 WiFi:

View Mac address using ip addr

As you can see, the Mac address is the same as the one shown via ifconfig.

Retrieving Mac from Raspberry Pi OS

Rather than using Terminal commands, you can also easily get the Mac address right from Raspberry Pi Configuration utility:

Checking Mac in Pi Config Utility

This provides a quick graphical way to view and verify the Mac address for your Pi‘s network interfaces.

Monitoring Network Traffic

Network packet analyzers like Wireshark can also show device Mac addresses communicating on the local network:

Identifying devices using Wireshark

This allows identification of wired/wireless devices based on their Mac as packets are transmitted.

As you can see there are a couple of options to reliably view and confirm the Mac address being used by your Raspberry Pi device.

Why Change the Mac Address?

Now that we know how to view the Pi‘s Mac address, you may be wondering what the actual benefits are of modifying it.

Here are the top use cases:

1. Enhancing Privacy

Network routers, wireless access points, and other tools can track devices via their factory-set Mac address as they roam across networks. By changing your Pi‘s address periodically, you prevent unauthorized tracking of your device‘s network activity in public places.

According to privacy advocates, Mac addresses gathered over-time and locations can potentially identify user behavior and habits even though they do not directly contain personal data. Spoofing the address as you connect your device to different access points enhances privacy protections.

2. Bypassing Network Access Controls

Enterprise and public networks often use Access Control Lists (ACLs) enforcing restrictions based on device Mac addresses.

For example, a hotel may only allow guests from designated rooms to connect devices to the network. By spoofing your device Mac address to match one of the allowed addresses, you can bypass this access control to get network connectivity from any room or location.

Spoofing Mac to bypass ACL

While this has ethically questionable connotations, Mac spoofing does provide the capability to get around such restrictions in many real-world scenarios.

3. Replicating Network Issues

When troubleshooting connectivity issues on enterprise networks, support technicians will often set their own device MAC address to match that of the faulty user device.

This allows them reproduce potential state-based failures that only occur with that particular Mac address due to switch configurations, firewall rules etc.

Debugging some tough networking conditions can become simpler by spoofing MAC addresses representing the affected devices.

4. Preventing Mac Address Conflicts

Each device on a local area network must have a globally unique Mac address in order to communicate reliably. In rare cases, you may end up with two devices having the same factory-set Mac address leading to traffic errors and dropped packets.

Modifying the address of one of the devices resolves any such hardware duplication conflicts by ensuring uniqueness.

Based on the above legitimate and slightly questionable use cases, the ability customize your Raspberry Pi‘s Mac address provides greater control and privacy over device networking.

Next, we explore how to actually change the Mac in Raspbian OS.

Spoofing the Mac Address

Spoofing refers to the act of temporarily altering the Mac address to a desired value of your choice rather than using the permanent address. The spoofed address does not persist across device restarts.

To spoof addresses on Linux devices, we use the macchanger utility.

First, let‘s go ahead and install macchanger on our Pi:

$ sudo apt install macchanger

With macchanger now ready, we bring down the network interface whose Mac we want to modify. This gracefully disconnects your Raspberry Pi from the network before making any changes:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 down

Finally, invoke macchanger with the -m option to set our desired spoof Mac:

$ sudo macchanger -m 12:AB:89:45:23:98 wlan0

We can confirm the new spoofed Mac took effect:

$ ip addr show wlan0

Verifying spoofed Mac address

Enable the wireless interface back up:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 up

Your Raspberry Pi will now use the spoofed Mac 12:AB:89:45:23:98 instead of its permanent address whenever it connects to a wireless network.

However, this change is temporary and gets discarded once you reboot the device.

Randomizing Mac Address

Instead of manually specifying a custom Mac address, we can have macchanger automatically generate a random address each time.

As before, install macchanger first:

$ sudo apt install macchanger 

Bring down the interface:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 down

Then invoke macchanger with the -r flag:

$ sudo macchanger -r wlan0

Turn wlan0 back on:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 up

Your Pi will now use a randomly generated Mac address that looks something like this on your network:

Verifying randomized Mac

Each time you rerun the macchanger -r command, a new distinct Mac address gets assigned to your Pi‘s WiFi interface.

This protects against tracking as the device Mac keeps changing across reconnections and reboots.

Permanently Altering the Mac

Up until now, we saw how to temporarily spoof or randomize the Mac address until the next restart.

To permanently update the Mac address stored in your Raspberry Pi‘s EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), we use the -p parameter:

Install the macchanger utility if you haven‘t already:

$ sudo apt install macchanger

Bring down wlan0:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 down

Set an automatically generated random Mac address (-r) permanently (-p):

$ sudo macchanger -r -p wlan0  

You can also permanently set to a specific address:

$ sudo macchanger --mac=12:AB:89:45:23:98 -p wlan0

Finally, re-enable wlan0 so settings take effect:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 up

Your preferred Mac is now programmed into your Pi and persists across reboots.

To verify run:

$ ip link show wlan0

You should see your new custom address reflected consistently going forward.

By statically setting the Mac address, you give up some privacy protections but gain the ability to uniquely identify your device on any network.

There is no right or wrong choice here – pick static vs randomization based on your specific needs.

Resetting Original Mac Address

If after experimentation, you wish to revert your Raspberry Pi device back to using its factory-set permanent Mac address, we can do so in one command using macchanger:

$ sudo macchanger --permanent wlan0 

The --permanent option clears any custom entry and reloads the original Mac address associated with the hardware.

Bring the interface back up:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 up

You can double check that your Pi‘s networking interface is now restored to the manufacturer-assigned Mac address.

Additional Methods to Alter Mac

Beyond the macchanger command, there are a couple of other techniques to modify the Raspberry Pi Mac address:

Using systemd Network Manager

For Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye and newer releases that have transitioned to systemd, you can define Mac address in the network manager profiles:




This allows managing Mac addresses through overall system configuration rather than tool-specific methods.

Configuring dhcpcd

If your Raspberry Pi uses dhcpcd for network address assignment, you can also directly set static Mac addresses using its configuration file at /etc/dhcpcd.conf:

interface wlan0
clientid 12:AB:89:45:23:98

Here, the clientid parameter allows controlling the DHCP client Mac address in a central way.

In addition to the flexible macchanger tool, manipulating Mac addresses through system-wide network configuration files provides an infrastructure-oriented option.

Verifying Mac Address Changes

As we explored different ways to modify the Mac address above, how can we check if the changes have correctly taken effect before connecting our Pi?

Use the standard ip addr show and ifconfig commands we initially used to view your Pi‘s interface information:

$ ifconfig wlan0
$ ip addr show wlan0

Verifying Mac address modification using ifconfig

This lets you visually inspect and confirm the active Mac address matches what you expect to see based on the change steps followed earlier.

In case you do not see your updated Mac reflecting correctly:

  • Reboot your Raspberry Pi and verify again – some changes require a system restart.
  • Check macchanger logs in /var/log for any errors.
  • Ensure you enabled the wireless interface after setting new Mac.
  • Try a different setting method like systemd network profiles.

Verifying as you test different scenarios will ensure your Raspberry Pi uses the expected mac address as it connects to wireless networks.

Tracking Devices via Mac Addresses

Beyond modifying your own device‘s Mac address, passively sniffing network traffic allows identifying other devices based on their visible Macs.

Tools like Wireshark provide deep analytical capabilities around nearby traffic:

In-depth analysis of network traffic using Wireshark

Here, we can not only see Mac addresses talking on the network but also filter traffic analytics based on specific devices using their unique Mac fingerprint.

While this network analysis has legitimate troubleshooting use cases on private networks you own, eavesdropping and tracking device analytics without consent raises significant ethical concerns around user privacy.

Perform such passive traffic analysis only with care and consent to assure fully ethical practices!

Pros and Cons of Changing the Mac

Let‘s do a quick comparison of the main advantages and limitations of modifying your Raspberry Pi device‘s Mac address:


  • Enhanced privacy against network tracking

  • Access networks with Mac filtering

  • Replicate errors during troubleshooting

  • Resolve device conflicts on LAN


  • Loss of device identification

  • Need to reconfigure connected peripherals

  • Extra point of failure

Understanding these technical trade-offs allows making an informed decision around whether you want to customize your Pi‘s default Mac address for a given situation.


A Raspberry Pi device like any other computer ships with a globally unique Mac address tied to its networking hardware. While this provides singular identification, the unchanging factory Mac address also raises potential privacy issues by allowing third-parties to monitor and profile your device activity across networks.

In this extensive, 2600+ word article we explored how to access, view, customize, randomize and reset your Pi‘s Mac address. By installing the flexible macchanger tool, we can spoof and even permanently modify the Mac from default Raspberry Pi OS command line in just a few steps. For newer releases leveraging systemd, network manager configuration also offers centralized control over connected device Mac addresses.

Clearly identifying the need, implications and methods around changing your devices‘ Mac addresses raises awareness around potential privacy and ethical considerations in doing so.

I hope you found this deep-dive tutorial useful! Let me know if you have any other questions as you experiment with modifying Mac addresses on your home or enterprise networks.

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