Being able to convert data types is an essential skill for any C programmer. Often, data will come into our programs as a string that needs to be processed as a number. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the different methods available in C for converting a string representation of a number to a float data type.

Overview of Floats in C

Before we can convert a string to a float, it‘s important to understand what a float data type is in C. A float is used to store decimal numbers with fractional precision. Some key things to know about floats in C:

  • Floats can store 6-7 significant decimal digits of precision. The exact amount depends on the system.
  • Floats are represented internally in IEEE 754 format, which uses a base-2 scientific notation system.
  • Standard floats in C use 32 bits (4 bytes) of memory. There is also a double type that uses 64 bits.
  • Floats support decimal values, exponents, infinity, and NaN (not a number) values.
  • Header files like <float.h> define macros with float properties like FLT_DIG for the number of decimal digits.

So in summary, a float provides up to 7 digits of fractional decimal precision and exponents in a compact 4 byte variable. This makes them very useful for scientific, statistical, or other non-integer numerical programming.

Function Overview

There are a few common functions in C that we can use to convert a string to a float:

  • strtof() – Standard C library function to convert string to float
  • sscanf() – Format input from string based on specifier
  • atof() – Simple function to convert string to double

The strtof() function is the preferred method in standard C. But sscanf() can also be very useful for more complex parsing. And atof() provides an easy way to get a double result. We‘ll look at examples of all three.

strtof() Function

The strtof() function is defined in <stdlib.h> and provides a straightforward way to convert a string to a C float according to the standard library specification. Here is the function prototype:

float strtof(const char *restrict str, char **restrict str_end);

It takes the input string as the first argument, tries to parse a float value from the start of it, and returns the result. The second pointer argument allows you to get the address of the first character after the parsed float in the string.

Here is a simple example:

#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

  char input[] = "3.14159";
  float f = strtof(input, NULL);

  printf("%f\n", f);

  return 0;

This parses "3.14159" with strtof(), stores the result in f, and prints it out. Simple!

But there are some important details to understand when using this function:

  • It stops parsing at the first character it does not recognize
  • You need to handle possible errors from invalid strings
  • Other locales may use , instead of . as decimal separator

Let‘s look at an example that handles errors and localization:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  
#include <locale.h>

int main() {

  // Use German locale where comma is decimal point
  setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "de_DE"); 

  char* input = "3,14159 text";

  // Pointer to end of parsed input
  char* str_end; 

  // Try conversion
  float f = strtof(input, &str_end);

  // Check for conversion error
  if (str_end == input) {
    printf("Invalid input\n");
    return 1;

  printf("String converted to %f\n", f);

  return 0;

We set the locale to handle alternative decimal separators, check for a matching error, and print the parsed float if valid. This gives us error handling and localization in a portable cross-platform way.

sscanf() String Parsing

The sscanf() function provides very flexible input parsing from a string according to a specified format. Here is the function prototype:

int sscanf(const char *restrict s, const char *restrict format, ...);

It takes the input string, a format specifier string, and then variables to store matches into. For example:

float f;
sscanf(input, "%f", &f); 

This parses a float from input into f. The power comes from the ability to specify custom format strings to parse variably formatted input.

Some examples formats are:

  • %f – Float value
  • %d – Integer value
  • %s – String value
  • [ and ] – Scanset brackets

Let‘s look at some examples:

char input[100] = "128 oz weight";

// Parse integer from input start
int ounces;
sscanf(input, "%d", &ounces); 

// Parse float after string    
float weight;
sscanf(input, "%*s %f", &weight);

The first parses an integer from the start with %d. The second uses %*s to ignore a string, then parse a float after it into weight.

Here‘s an example using scanset brackets:

const char* input = "Item #Z5-34A";

// Parse string with prefix #
char id[10];
sscanf(input, "Item #[A-Z]%3s", id); // id = "Z5"

The [A-Z] matches an uppercase letter, capturing the next 3 chars.

So sscanf() gives you a lot of matching power. The downside is complexity compared to strtof(). Use it if you need elaborative parsing.

atof() Function

The atof() function converts a string to a double float value. Here‘s the simple prototype:

double atof(const char* str);

It takes a string, converts to a best-effort double, and returns it.

For example:

char* num_str = "25.37";

double result = atof(num_str); // result = 25.37

The function stops parsing at the first character that it cannot recognize as part of a number. But unlike strtof(), atof() does not give you conversions error feedback. It just tries its best.

This makes atof() convenient when you want to simply get a double from valid numeric input. But strtof() is preferable when checking validity is required.

Putting Into Practice

Alright, we learned the main methods available for converting string data into C floats. Now let‘s look at some practical examples of how we might use this conversion capability in real programs.

Reading Configuration Files

Application configuration files often store program options like ports, intervals, dimensions, etc as strings. These ultimately need to be read as numbers.

Here is an example config file parser with float conversion:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_KEY 50 
#define MAX_VALUE 100

// Structure to store a key/value
struct ConfigVar {
  char key[MAX_KEY];  
  float value;

int main() {

  FILE* file = fopen("config.ini", "r");

  if (!file) {
    printf("Could not open file\n");
    return 1; 

  struct ConfigVar vars[10];
  int count = 0;

  // Read each line
  char line[MAX_VALUE];
  while(fgets(line, MAX_VALUE, file)) {

    // Split key/value
    char key[MAX_KEY]; float value;
    if (sscanf(line, "%49s %f", key, &value) == 2) {

      // Convert and store    
      strncpy(vars[count].key, key, MAX_KEY);
      vars[count++].value = value;

    } else {
      printf("Parse error\n");


  // Print and use vars...

  return 0;

This shows opening a file, reading lines with fgets(), parsing with sscanf(), and using strtof() to populate a set of configuration values.

The flexibility of the C type conversion and string parsing makes this kind of text-file driven configuration very straightforward.

Reading User Input

Another common application is gathering user input and converting it to internal data values. For example:

#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

  char input[100];

  // Prompt for input
  printf("Enter float value: "); 
  fgets(input, 100, stdin);

  // Use strtof for conversion
  char* end;
  float value = strtof(input, &end);

  // Check for valid number    
  if (end == input) {
    printf("Invalid input\n");
  } else {

    // Use value...
    printf("Provided value: %f\n", value);


  return 0;  

This shows reading directly from stdin input, parsing with strtof() + error checking, and then using the converted float value in the program.

Being able to directly integrate external interfaces like files, stdin, etc and convert to internal data types is extremely useful. And string conversion functions like the ones covered make it easy.

Serialization and Encoding

When data needs to be serialized, transferred, or encoded to strings, being able to convert to/from string representation is very useful.

For example, here is code to encode a set of floats to a comma-delimited string:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_VALUES 100

// Safely convert float to string
// with correct locale decimal point  
char* ftostr(float f) {

  char *numstr;
  int sz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%.2f", f); 

  numstr = malloc(sz+1);
  snprintf(numstr, sz+1, "%.2f", f);

  return numstr;


int main() {

  float values[] = {1.5f, 4.23f, 5.005f};

  int count = sizeof(values) / sizeof(float);

  // Allocate encoding string
  int str_size = 1; 
  for(int i=0; i < count; i++) {
    str_size += (MAX_VALUES + 1);  

  char* encoded_str = malloc(str_size);
  encoded_str[0] = 0;

  // Serialize each value  
  for(int i=0; i < count; i++) {

    char *numstr = ftostr(values[i]);

    strncat(encoded_str, numstr, MAX_VALUES);
    strncat(encoded_str, ",", 1);


  // Print and use...

  return 0;

This shows safely encoding a set of floats into a string with correct decimal points for the locale, using dynamic string allocation to size it, and delimiting with commas.

The same approach works in reverse – parsing the string back into float arrays when needed. Having compact string representations makes transferring and persisting data much easier.

Common Questions

There are a few common questions that come up related to converting strings to floats in C:

Should I use strtof() or atof()?

Prefer strtof() – it is more portable and gives conversion errors to handle invalid cases. atof() is fine for quick hacks but doesn‘t conform to standards.

How precise are C floats?

Typically 6-7 decimal digits of precision are supported in hardware floats. For applications needing more precision (financial etc), consider double or long double types.

What if my locale uses commas for decimals?

Handle locale issues portably by:

  1. Calling setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "")
  2. Parsing with strtof() instead of expecting periods
  3. Use helper functions that handle decimals based on locale

How can I best debug string/float issues?

Use printf debugging on conversions:

float result = strtof(some_string, NULL);
printf("Result: %f\n", result); 

Watch out for NaN or infinity values indicating problems.

Careful printf debugging combined with understanding strtof()/sscanf() error reporting will resolve most issues.

Converting Floats to Strings

For completeness, I also wanted to cover the reverse conversion – formatting floats into strings.

The sprintf() function provides flexible float formatting into a string buffer:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

  float f = 3.14159;

  char output[50];

  sprintf(output, "Float value is %f", f);


  return 0;

We can control the float precision in the formatting specifier, e.g. %.3f prints 3 decimal points.

For even more control without buffer overflows, snprintf() is preferable:

char buffer[50];
snprintf(buffer, 50, "%.3f", 3.5569); 

It will stop writing at the passed buffer size.

In summary, converting floats to printable strings is very straightforward using the sprintf() family in standard C.


Being able to parse and process numerical data from strings is critical for many applications. In this article we covered the main methods available in standard C:

  • strtof() – Preferred method to convert string to float
  • sscanf() – Flexible input parsing with format specifier
  • atof() – Quick way to get double float result

These functions allow us to handle floats encoded in external data sources, user input, config files, network streams, and more. We can parse both the locale-specific decimal representations as well as handle invalid input safely.

Combined with sprintf() and snprintf() for outputting floats, we have robust bi-directional conversion between string data and internal C float variables.

Converting strings to floats with full locale support, error handling, and flexibility enables building lots of useful applications and systems in C. Give these functions a try on your next project that needs to ingest numerical data!

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