JavaScript intervals allow you to execute a function repeatedly at specified time intervals. This enables periodic execution for things like updating counters, refreshing data, or running animations.

However, there are many instances where you need finer control over an interval‘s execution. Like pausing it temporarily instead of stopping completely. For example, halting a countdown timer when a user clicks a "Pause" button.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore various methods to pause and resume intervals in JavaScript:

Why Pause Intervals?

Before diving into code techniques, let‘s highlight some common reasons for needing to pause recurring intervals:

1. User Control – Allowing visitors to toggle the state of dynamic elements on a page via pause/resume buttons increases interactivity. This provides a sense of control.

2. Limit Resource Usage – JavaScript intervals continue running in the background even when browser tabs are inactive. Pausing them when hidden prevents wasted CPU cycles and battery drain.

3. Optimize UX – Disabling animated or automatically updating elements creates a less distracting experience for times you want focused attention.

4. Handle Memory Leaks – Improperly managed intervals can leak memory over time if not cleared properly. Pausing provides garbage collection opportunities.

5. Improve Accessibility – Some users require more time to consume information. Pausing dynamic content caters to those needs.

These reasons make a compelling case for adding pause and resume functionality in websites and applications. Now let‘s explore solutions.

Overview of JavaScript Intervals

To set an interval, we use the setInterval() method which accepts two parameters:

setInterval(callback, delay)
  • callback – The function to run on each interval
  • delay – The intervals delay in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second)

For example, this prints "Hello" to the console every second:

setInterval(() => {
}, 1000) 

To stop an interval, we can pass the interval reference to the clearInterval() method:

const interval = setInterval(() => {
  // ...
}, 1000)


Now let‘s explore approaches to pause and resume an interval instead of fully clearing it.

1. Using a Boolean Flag

A straightforward way to pause an interval is by using a boolean flag variable to toggle whether the interval callback runs or not.

Here is an example:

let paused = false

const interval = setInterval(() => {
  if (!paused) {
    console.log(‘Interval is running!‘) 
}, 1000)

// Pause 
paused = true   

// Resume
paused = false

We initialize a paused variable set to false. Inside the interval callback, we check if !paused before running the main logic.

To pause, we set paused = true which will skip executing the callback until switched back to false.

Let‘s expand on this with a counter example:

let paused = false
let counter = 0  

const interval = setInterval(() => {

  if (!paused) {

}, 1000)

// Pause after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
  paused = true 
}, 5000)

// Resume after 5 more seconds  
setTimeout(() => {
  paused = false
}, 10000) 

We initialize a counter variable and increment inside the interval callback, logging values.

After 5 seconds, we use setTimeout() to set paused = true to demonstrate how to programmatically pause and resume the interval.


// Paused for 5 seconds...         
// Resumed

Checking a boolean flag is an simple and effective pattern for controlling interval execution.


  • Simple to implement
  • Toggle pause/resume imperatively or via user interactions
  • Avoid directly clearing interval


  • Still executes callback code even when paused

Next let‘s look at an approach that stops execution more directly when paused.

2. Leveraging clearInterval() and setInterval()

We can leverage both the clearInterval() and setInterval() methods for a more direct way to pause and resume an interval:

let interval

const myFunc = () => {
  // Interval running
  console.log(‘Interval running...‘)   

const start = () => {
  interval = setInterval(myFunc, 1000) 

const pause = () => {

const resume = () => {
  interval = setInterval(myFunc, 1000)  


// Pause after 5 seconds
setTimeout(pause, 5000)   

// Resume after 5 more seconds
setTimeout(resume, 10000)    

The key steps are:

  1. Start interval by setting interval variable via setInterval()
  2. Pause by clearing interval with clearInterval(interval)
  3. Resume by calling setInterval() again to recreate interval

This allows precise control to pause and resume as needed.


  • Completely halts interval callback execution when paused
  • Can reuse same interval reference variable


  • Requires recreating interval on resume instead of toggling state

Both techniques so far are useful depending on the scenario. Now let‘s explore an alternative that keeps interval state.

3. Chaining setTimeout() Calls

We can simulate an interval by recursively chaining setTimeout() calls instead of using setInterval():

let counter = 0
const limit = 10  

let run = () => {


  if (counter < limit) {
    setTimeout(run, 1000) 


setTimeout(run, 1000)

Instead of scheduling the next interval automatically, we handle it by calling setTimeout() recursively inside the callback.

This allows pausing the interval by choosing not to set the next timeout:

let paused = false

let run = () => {

  if (!paused) {


    setTimeout(run, 1000)



setTimeout(run, 1000)

// Pause
paused = true 

// Resume  
paused = false

When paused is truthy, we don‘t execute the setTimeout() call responsible for chaining to the next iteration. By resuming we pick up where we left off.


  • Avoids clearing/recreating interval on state changes
  • Maintains internal state like counter variable


  • More complex code needing recursive timeout
  • Performance impact from extra function calls

Now let‘s demonstrate these techniques by building a robust countdown timer.

Real-World Example: Pausable Countdown Timer

To reinforce these concepts, we‘ll create a countdown timer that allows pausing and resuming during the countdown.

Our HTML structure:

<div id="countdown">
  <span id="minutes"></span>:<span id="seconds"></span>

<button id="start">Start</button> 
<button id="pause">Pause</button>
<button id="resume">Resume</button>

This displays the minutes and seconds spans within a parent div. We also add buttons to control timer state.

Now for the JavaScript:

let paused = false
let minutes = 2 
let seconds = 0

// Update counter  
const updateTimer = () => {

  if (!paused && seconds > 0) {
  } else if (seconds === 0) {

    seconds = 59

    if (minutes < 0) {    
      // Timer complete


  // Update DOM
  document.getElementById("minutes").textContent = minutes  
  document.getElementById("seconds").textContent = seconds 


// Start timer
const startTimer = () => {

  // Use setInterval()
  const interval = setInterval(updateTimer, 1000)
  return interval


let interval = startTimer()

// Toggle paused on button clicks  
document.getElementById("pause").addEventListener("click", () => {
  paused = true 

document.getElementById("resume").addEventListener("click", () => {
  paused = false

We use the boolean paused flag to optionally skip updating the time in updateTimer(). The associated buttons can toggle this flag imperatively.

This handles all the core pause and resume logic for our timer countdown.

Now let‘s discuss performance.

setInterval() vs setTimeout() Benchmark

When evaluating techniques, it‘s useful to test performance implications. Pausing intervals seems straightforward but underlying behavior isn‘t always intuitive.

We‘ll focus on benchmarking setInterval() vs recursive setTimeout() calls to highlight key differences.

Here is our testing script:

const ITERATIONS = 10000 
let counter = 0

function interval() {

  let start =

  const interval = setInterval(() => {
    if (counter === ITERATIONS) {
  }, 0)  


function timeout() {

  let start =

  let run = () => {
    if (counter < ITERATIONS) {    
      setTimeout(run, 0)

  setTimeout(run, 0)


// Run benchmarks
let intervalTime, timeoutTime 

// Average 3 runs  
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  counter = 0
  intervalTime += - startTime

  counter = 0
  timeoutTime += - startTime 

intervalTime = intervalTime / 3
timeoutTime = timeoutTime / 3  

console.log(‘Interval:‘, intervalTime)
console.log(‘Timeout:‘, timeoutTime)

This benchmarks iterating 10,000 times comparing both approaches by running 3 times and averaging duration.


setInterval vs setTimeout Benchmark

We can see chaining setTimeout takes approximately 3-4x longer to complete 10,000 iterations.

This reveals a couple performance insights:

  • setInterval is lower overhead allowing faster iteration
  • setTimeout accumulates recursion costs degrading over time

Understanding these differences helps pick optimal solutions depending on whether raw speed or flexibility is the priority.

Additional Techniques and Tools

The methods outlined so far provide a solid foundation for adding pause and resume functionality to a JavaScript interval.

Let‘s briefly highlight some additional tools and libraries that can further enhance implementations:

GSAP TweenMax

GSAP is an industry leading JavaScript animation library. Their TweenMax component includes powerful timing controls.

Methods like [pause()](, [resume()](, and [reversed()]( give developers intricate control over tweens, timelines, and sequences. Here is a quick example:

const timeline = gsap.timeline() 
  .to(‘#box‘, {duration: 1, x: 100})

timeline.pause() // Pause animation  
timeline.resume() // Resume

For complex interval animations, GSAP delivers robust capabilities to pause, resume, reverse, restart, and more.


The window.requestAnimationFrame() method allows running a callback before the browser next repaints the screen. This approach connects code to the browser‘s native refresh rate similar to how intervals work.

Pausing/resuming frames works by conditionally calling the next requestAnimationFrame():

let keepAnimating = true  

const animate = () => {

  if (keepAnimating) {

    // Update animated elements  
    // ...





// Pause 
keepAnimating = false

// Resume
keepAnimating = true  

This couples animations directly with screen painting avoiding interval desync issues.


Here are some key techniques covered for pausing and resuming intervals:

  • Boolean flag – Simple way to toggle interval callback execution
  • clearInterval() / setInterval() – Directly stop then recreate interval
  • setTimeout() chaining – Recursive calls to simulate interval
  • Libraries like GSAP – Robust timeline control features
  • requestAnimationFrame – Align with screen repaint rate

Some key benefits of adding pause/resume functionality include:

  • Increased user control and interactivity
  • Optimize performance through inactive state limiting
  • Provide accessibility options by disabling dynamic content

I hope this guide gives you several options to implement robust interval pause and resume logic within your projects. Let me know if you have any other recommended techniques!

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