Strings are an essential data type in Python used for storing text-based information. They are defined as an ordered sequence of characters enclosed within single, double, or triple quotes. While working with strings, we often need to modify them by replacing certain characters.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various methods to replace characters in a string in Python.

Why Replace Characters in Strings?

Here are some common reasons for replacing characters in strings:

  • Fixing typos or spelling mistakes
  • Standardizing data by removing special characters
  • Anonymizing sensitive information by substituting characters
  • Formatting strings by inserting delimiters or punctuation
  • Encoding/decoding data by swapping certain characters
  • Translating text by replacing characters of one language with another

By replacing characters, we can transform string data as per our requirements before further processing or analysis.

Built-in Methods to Replace Characters

Python has two built-in methods that allow replacing characters/substrings in a string.

1. string.replace()

The replace() method returns a new string with all occurrences of the old substring replaced by the new substring.

new_string = string.replace(old, new [, count])


  • old – old substring to be replaced
  • new – new substring to replace old
  • count (optional) – number of occurrences of old to replace. Default is all occurrences.

Example Usage

text = "Python is great for coding"

new_text = text.replace("great", "excellent")

# Output: Python is excellent for coding

This replaces "great" with "excellent" in the text string.

We can also specify count to replace only first N occurrences:

text = "Python Python Python" 

new_text = text.replace("Python", "Java", 2)

# Output: Java Java Python

Here, only the first 2 occurrences of "Python" are replaced by "Java".

2. re.sub()

The re.sub() method of Python‘s re module allows more powerful substitution using Regular Expressions pattern matching.

import re

new_string = re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count) 


  • pattern – regular expression pattern to match
  • repl – replacement substring
  • string – input string
  • count (optional) – number of occurrences to replace

Example Usage

import re

text = "Python is great! Python is powerful!"

new_text = re.sub("Python", "Java", text)

# Output: Java is great! Java is powerful!

This replaces all occurrences of "Python" with "Java".

We can use capturing groups and backreferences in the replacement:

import re

text = "Python Python Python"

new_text = re.sub("(Python) ", r"\1 Programming ", text) 

# Output: Python Programming Python Programming Python

Here \1 backreference inserts the captured group #1 matched text.

Replace Single Character

To replace a single character in a string, we can specify that as the old substring to replace() or use a regular expression pattern with re.sub().

Using replace()

text = "Pythom is great"
new_text = text.replace("m", "n")

# Output: Python is great

Using re.sub()

import re

text = "Pythom is great"
new_text = re.sub("m", "n", text)

# Output: Python is great

Both methods work perfectly fine to replace a single character in the string.

Replace Character at Index

We can also replace a character at a specific index in the string using string slicing.

text = "Pythom is great"

new_text = text[:6] + "n" + text[7:]

# Output: Python is great


  • text[:6] – Extracts substring from start till 6th index (excluding 6th index character)
  • text[7:] – Extracts substring from 7th index till end
  • Insert n between them to replace 6th index character.

We can also wrap this logic in a function:

def replace_char(text, index, new_char):
  return text[:index] + new_char + text[index + 1:]

text = "Pythom is great"  
new_text = replace_char(text, 6, "n")

# Output: Python is great

So string slicing allows replacing a character at any given index.

Replace All Occurrences using Loop

We can iterate through the string and replace all occurrences of a character using a loop:

1. For Loop

text = "Pythom is great. I love Pythom"
new_text = ""

for char in text:
  if char == "m":
    new_text += "n"
    new_text += char


# Output: Python is great. I love Python

2. While Loop

text = "Pythom is great. I love Pythom"
index = 0
new_text = ""

while index < len(text):
  if text[index] == "m":
    new_text += "n"
    new_text += text[index]  
  index += 1


# Output: Python is great. I love Python

These loops iterate through and build the new string by selectively replacing "m" with "n".

Replace Escape Sequences

Sometimes strings contain special escape sequence characters like newline (\n), tab (\t) etc. We may want to replace them with actual spaces, pipes etc.

For example:

text = "Column1\tColumn2\tColumn3" 

# Column1   Column2 Column3

We can replace the tab escape sequence \t with | pipe delimiter:

import re

text = "Column1\tColumn2\tColumn3"
new_text = re.sub("\t", "|", text)  

# Column1|Column2|Column3

Similarly, other escape codes can be replaced.

Replace Multiple Sets of Characters

To replace multiple sets of characters in a single go, we can specify them alternately as old and new substrings using replace():

text = "%Python@ is great!!"

new_text = text.replace("%", "").replace("@", "").replace("!", "")

# Output: Python is great

Here %, @ and ! are stripped out by replacing them with an empty string "".

We can make this more compact using chaining:

text = "%Python@ is great!!"

new_text = (text.replace("%", "")


# Output: Python is great

With re.sub() we can specify all old character sets to replace in a single regular expression pattern:

import re 

text = "%Python@ is great!!"
new_text = re.sub("[%@!]", "", text) 

# Python is great

The regex [%@!] matches any %, @ or ! characters.

Replace Accented Characters

Strings parsed from other languages often contain accented characters like à, ê, ñ etc. These characters can create issues while processing.

We can remove or normalize them by replacing accented characters:

import unicodedata

text = "Café and naïve characters"

new_text = (unicodedata.normalize(‘NFKD‘, text)
             .encode(‘ASCII‘, ‘ignore‘)

# Cafe and naive characters

The NFKD normalization converts accented characters into base ones, allowing easier replacement.

There are also Python modules like unidecode, text-unidecode etc. that can transliterate accented characters into ASCII ones.

Replace Control Characters

Control characters like \r, \x08, \x1f etc. can also cause issues for string processing tasks.

We can strip them out by replacing all control characters with an empty string:

import re

text = "Code\x08\x08Tip\rtutorial\n" 

new_text = re.sub(r‘[\x00-\x1f]+‘, ‘‘, text)

# Output: CodeTiputorial

The regex [\x00-\x1f]+ matches one or more control characters.

Case-Sensitive Replace

By default, the replace() and re.sub() methods are case-sensitive.

"Python" will not match and replace "python".

To make the replacements case-insensitive, we can convert the strings to same case before comparing:

import re

text = "Learn Python and python"

new_text = re.sub("python", "Java", text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

# Output: Learn Java and Java  

The flag re.IGNORECASE ignores case for matches.

An alternative is converting the whole string to same case before replacement:

text = "Learn Python and python"
text = text.lower()

new_text = text.replace("python", "Java") 

# Output: Learn Java and Java

Here converting text to lower case makes the match case-insensitive.

Replace Using Mappings

For multiple string replacements, we can define a mapping dictionary and use the str.translate() method:

text = "Pythom is easy" 

mapping = {
  "m": "n",
  "y": "i", 
  "e": "a"

new_text = text.translate(str.maketrans(mapping))

# Output: Python is aasy  

Here maketrans creates a translation mapping, which is applied via translate().

We can also pass this dictionary to re.sub() function using a callback:

import re

text = "Pythom is easy"

mapping = {
  "m": "n",
  "y": "i",
  "e": "a" 

def translate(match):
  return mapping.get(

new_text = re.sub("[miey]", translate, text) 


# Output: Python is aasy

So mappings provide an efficient way to do multiple replacements.

Replacements Based on Conditions

We can also selectively replace substrings based on conditions:

text = "Python is great"

if "Java" in text: 
  new_text = text.replace("Python", "Java")
  new_text = text


# Output: Python is great  

Here if "Java" exists in text, we replace "Python". Else the original text is retained.

Using a function:

def conditional_replace(text, old, new):
  if old in text:
    return text.replace(old, new)
    return text

text = "Python is great"    
new_text = conditional_replace(text, "Java", "Python")  

# Output: Python is great

So conditional replacement allows selectivity in substitutions.

Replacements with Counts

Counting occurrences of substrings helps create useful transformations:

text = "Python Python Python Ruby Ruby Ruby"

py_count = text.count("Python")
ruby_count = text.count("Ruby")

new_text = text.replace("Python", f"A ({py_count})")    
             .replace("Ruby", f"B ({ruby_count})")


# Output: A (3) A (3) A (3) B (3) B (3) B (3)

Here we:

  • Count occurrences of "Python" and "Ruby"
  • Replace with f-string formatted count

This prefixes strings with their occurrence counts.

Replacement Exceptions

While doing replacements, we should handle exceptions that may occur:

text = "Python is great"

  new_text = text.replace("Java", "Ruby")
except ValueError:
  print("ValueError: Old substring not found in string")


# Output: 
# ValueError: Old substring not found in string
# Python is great

Here ValueError occurs as "Java" doesn‘t exist in text. We handle it by printing custom message and retaining original string.

For re.sub():

import re

text = "Python is great" 

  new_text = re.sub("[a-z]{15}", "Ruby", text) 
except re.error:
  print("RE Error: Invalid regular expression")


# Output:  
# RE Error: Invalid regular expression
# Python is great

Invalid regular expressions can trigger re.error exceptions.


This guide covered various methods like replace(), re.sub(), string slicing, loops, conditional logic etc. to replace characters in a Python string effectively. The key points are:

  • replace() and re.sub() are easiest methods for substitution
  • String slices allow replacing character at a specific index
  • Loops can replace all occurrences iteratively
  • Mappings provide efficient multiple replacements
  • Conditional logic allows selective replacement
  • Exceptions should be handled properly

Knowing different replacement techniques expands our ability to transform string data correctly as needed.

I hope you enjoyed this detailed guide to replacing characters in Python strings. Let me know if you have any other interesting string manipulation techniques!

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