Redis is an in-memory key-value store known for its flexibility, performance and rich set of features. At its core, Redis is essentially a database that supports various abstract data types like strings, lists, sets, sorted sets and hashes. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the different methods of retrieving values from keys in Redis based on their data type.

An Overview of Redis Data Types

Before we dive into retrieving values, let‘s briefly go through the five main data types supported by Redis:


Redis strings are the simplest data type and can hold string, integer or floating point values. Some common operations are SET, GET, INCR, APPEND etc.

SET key1 "Hello world"
GET key1


Redis lists contain a sequence of strings sorted by insertion order. You can add elements to the head or tail of a list with LPUSH and RPUSH. Common commands are LPUSH, RPUSH, LRANGE, LPOP, RPOP etc.

LPUSH list1 "item1" "item2" 
LRANGE list1 0 -1


Redis sets are an unordered collection of unique strings. You can add, remove, test for existence etc. using commands like SADD, SREM, SISMEMBER, SMEMBERS etc.

SADD set1 "value1" "value2"


Redis hashes map between string fields and string values, acting like a dictionary. Some useful commands are HSET, HGET, HGETALL, HDEL etc.

HSET user:1 name "John" age "30"
HGETALL user:1

Sorted Sets

Redis sorted sets contain unique string elements like sets but have an associated score for every element that determines the sorting order. Common operations are ZADD, ZRANGE, ZREM etc.

ZADD leaderboard 10 "User1" 20 "User2" 15 "User3"
ZRANGE leaderboard 0 -1 WITHSCORES

Now that we have a basic understanding of the various data types in Redis, let‘s see how we can retrieve stored values.


Before we proceed, make sure you have the following:

  • Redis version 4.0 or higher installed. Installation Guide
  • Basic knowledge of Redis data types and commands
  • Ability to launch the Redis CLI
$ redis-cli

Getting Values from String Keys

String keys are the most common key type used in Redis to store simple key-value pairs. The GET command is used to retrieve the value of a string key.

Let‘s see an example:> SET message "Hello world"
OK> GET message 
"Hello world"

We first create a key called message and store the string "Hello world" as its value using SET. Later we use the GET command to retrieve the value of message key which prints "Hello world".

Some key pointers about the GET command:

  • It accepts a single key argument
  • Returns the value stored at key
  • Returns nil if key does not exist

Simple enough! Now let‘s look at retrieval methods for other data types.

Getting Values from List Keys

For list keys, the most common way to get values is by using the LRANGE command. The syntax is:

LRANGE key start stop

This returns the list elements between positions start and stop (inclusive).

Let‘s take an example:> LPUSH languages Python Java Go C++ JavaScript
(integer) 5> LRANGE languages 0 -1
1) "JavaScript"
2) "C++"
3) "Go"
4) "Java"
5) "Python" 

We first create a list called languages and insert 5 values. Later we use LRANGE to get all elements from index 0 to -1. Negative indices can be used to refer to elements from the tail of the list.

Another useful variant is LRANGE key 0 -1 which simply gets all elements in the list.

Some other points about LRANGE:

  • Returns empty list if key does not exist
  • Returns nil if key exists but is not a list

There are other commands like LINDEX, LINDEX key index to retrieve elements at a specific index within a list.

Getting Values from Set Keys

For retrieving set keys, we use the SMEMBERS command which returns all the members (elements) of a set key:


Let‘s take a quick example:> SADD topics algorithms data science machine learning
(integer) 3> SMEMBERS topics
1) "machine learning"
2) "algorithms"  
3) "data science"

We store 3 values in the set topics using SADD and later fetch all members with SMEMBERS.

A couple of things to remember about SMEMBERS:

  • Returns empty set if key does not exist
  • Returns nil if key exists but is not a set

There are other commands like SISMEMBER and SRANDMEMBER to test for membership and to get random members from a set respectively.

Getting Values from Hash Keys

For hash keys, the primary command for getting values is HGETALL:


This command fetches all fields and values stored in the hash key.

Here is an example:> HSET user:1 name John age 30 country USA  
(integer) 3> HGETALL user:1
1) "name"
2) "John"
3) "age"
4) "30"
5) "country" 
6) "USA"

We populated the hash user:1 with some fields and values. Later we use HGETALL to retrieve all (field, value) pairs from it.

Some things to note about HGETALL:

  • Returns empty hash if key does not exist
  • Returns nil if key exists but is not a hash

There are also other handy commands for fetching hash values:

  • HGET key field – Get value for a hash field
  • HKEYS key – Get all fields
  • HVALS key – Get all values

Getting Values from Sorted Set Keys

For sorted set keys, the most commonly used command for getting values is ZRANGE:

ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]

This fetches sorted set elements between index start and stop, optionally with their scores based on the WITHSCORES modifier.

Let‘s look at an example:> ZADD leaders 100 Elon 50 BillGates 40 SteveJobs
(integer) 3> ZRANGE leaders 0 -1  
1) "SteveJobs"
2) "BillGates" 
3) "Elon"> ZRANGE leaders 0 -1 WITHSCORES 
1) "SteveJobs"
2) "40"
3) "BillGates"
4) "50"
5) "Elon"
6) "100" 

We inserted 3 elements in the sorted set leaders with scores mapping to their worth.

Later we fetched the elements back without scores, and also with scores using the WITHSCORES option. The elements are automatically returned back in ascending score order.

Some pointers on ZRANGE:

  • Returns empty sorted set if key does not exist
  • Returns nil if key exists but is not a zset

There are also other useful commands like ZREVRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE etc. for fetching elements from zsets.

Using Variants to Handle Non-Existent Keys

As we saw earlier, most retrieval commands like GET, HGETALL etc. would simply return nil if the key does not exist.

In order to prevent nil errors in such cases, Redis provides *_or_default variants of certain commands that take in a custom default value.

For instance:

GETSET key value - Set key to hold string value if key did not exist
HGETALL_or_default key defaultHash - Hash variant 

So using these, you can handle non-existent keys in a cleaner way.


And that wraps up this comprehensive guide on retrieving values from keys in Redis based on the underlying data types. Here is a quick summary of everything we covered:

  • Used GET to retrieve string key values
  • Employed LRANGE to get values from list keys
  • Utilized SMEMBERS to fetch members of a set key
  • Learned about HGETALL for getting hash key values
  • Saw how to use ZRANGE to get elements from sorted set keys
  • Briefly explored *_or_default variants for non-existent keys

As you can see, Redis offers great flexibility in terms of the abstract data types it supports, and rich semantics through specialized commands tailored to each data type for effects retrieval and processing of values.

I hope this detailed overview of getting values from keys helps you leverage Redis better for your application needs. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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