The sizeof operator is a pivotal tool for systems programming and low-level memory management in Rust. In this comprehensive 3,000+ word guide, we will peel back the layers on sizeof to uncover how it works and why it matters from an expert perspective.

Whether you are optimizing data structures, interfacing with C libraries, or mapping memory regions, understanding sizeof is essential.

How Sizeof is Implemented by Rust

The size_of::<T>() function relies on Rust‘s sophisticated compiler to track type information. Here is a high-level overview of what happens under the hood:

  1. The Rust compiler builds an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to represent the code structure. This captures the type T passed to sizeof.

  2. In the middle-end intermediate representation, the compiler associates precise metadata with this type, including its size, alignment, and layout.

  3. During monomorphization, this metadata is used to replace generic code with concrete type specifics.

  4. In LLVM IR, size_of::<T>() finally becomes a constant n equal to the byte size of type T.

  5. At runtime, sizeof simply returns this precomputed number n, a lightning-fast constant lookup.

So while sizeof feels like a runtime operation, all the actual work is done at compile time. The compiler bakes in the size information according to the platform target architecture.

Benefit: This allows using sizeof in constants, static variables, generics, and const functions without a performance penalty.

Fine-Grained Memory Statistics

Rust specifies the exact size of primitives on each platform, while most other languages keep them implementation defined.

Here are the precisely defined sizes on 64-bit machines according to the Rust Reference:

Type Size (bytes)
bool 1
char 4
u8 1
i8 1
u16 2
i16 2
u32 4
i32 4
u64 8
i64 8
u128 16
i128 16
f32 4
f64 8
isize 8
usize 8

Tracking the nuances here is only possible thanks to Rust‘s strict typing. This tables illustrates the advantage over loosely typed languages.

Now let‘s see how to leverage sizeof for various low-level tasks.

Optimizing Data Layout

Computing the size of nested structures allows optimizing their memory footprint through careful data layout.

For example, consider this unoptimized struct:

struct Unoptimized {
    x: u32, 
    y: u64,
    z: u8

By looking at the member sizes, we expect:

  • u32 takes 4 bytes
  • u64 takes 8 bytes
  • u8 takes 1 byte

Naively this would total 13 bytes. However, due to padding for alignment, the actual size is larger:

assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Unoptimized>(), 16); 

Here the compiler inserts 2 bytes of padding after z to align the overall struct size. One way to improve this is by reordering the fields from biggest to smallest:

struct Optimized {
    y: u64, // 8 bytes
    x: u32, // 4 bytes
    z: u8   // 1 byte   

assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Optimized>(), 13);

By putting the 8 byte field first, we reduced the overall size by 3 bytes or 18%! This reduces cache pressure and wasted memory bandwidth.

The difference really starts to add up in large arrays:

// 10_000 structs 
let array_size = 10_000 * mem::size_of::<Optimized>(); // 128kb 

// VS

let array_size = 10_000 * mem::size_of::<Unoptimized>(); // 160kb

That‘s an extra 320kb saved for our application‘s working set! And there are no changes needed to business logic code.

This showcases Rust allowing low-level control while retaining high-level ergonomics. Use sizeof with repr(C) to pare down bloated memory usage.

Safe Interop Between Rust and C Libraries

Length prefixed strings commonly appear in C structs for interop:

struct Person {
   int32_t id;
   int32_t name_len; 
   char name[NAME_SIZE] 

The C code expects the explicit name_len matched with the string buffer size.

We can safely model this in Rust by using sizeof along with repr(C):

struct Person {
    id: i32,
    name_len: i32, 
    name: [u8; NAME_SIZE]

And perform safe conversions back and forth:

/// Convert to Rust 
unsafe fn from_c(c_person: Person) -> PersonRust {
   let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(, p.name_len as _); 

   PersonRust { 
       name: slice.to_owned(),       

/// Convert to C
fn to_c(rust_person: &PersonRust) -> Person {

  let mut c_person = Person {
      name_len: as _,
      name: [0; NAME_SIZE], 

  let bytes =;[..bytes.len()].copy_from_slice(bytes);


Rust guarantees the cross-language layout while preventing bugs. The compiler uses sizeof to match the expected offsets and alignments during compilation. This enables interacting with decades of legacy C interfaces without undefined behavior or segfaults!

Fixed Size Array Use Cases

While Rust vectors should be preferred for general usage, fixed sized arrays still have niche use cases:

  • Storing in registers of hardware devices
  • Memory mapped I/O communication
  • Implementing lock-free data structures
  • Temp storage for fixed batch processing

The [T; N] arrays have their byte size baked in at compile time. We can use this to allocate stack buffers or memory map device registers safely:

// Map device registers (8 KiB)
let register_bytes: [u8; 8192] = [0; 8192];  

// Temporary byte storage  
fn process_data() {
   let tmp_buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
   // ...

No need to dynamically check and enforce size – the compiler handles it. Explict alignment can also be applied:

struct AlignedBuffer {
    data: [u8; 4096]

In these use cases, overrunning the bounds would be catastrophic. Thankfully sizeof provides completely safe interfaces.

Comparison with C++‘s sizeof

The sizeof operator was originally inherited from Rust‘s C/C++ lineage. But Rust puts its own twist on it:

safety – accessed through a safe standard library rather than compiler built-in

usability – works on generics via monomorphization

functionality – defined for all Rust types

ergonomics – presents a simpler consistent syntax

Also Rust lacks C macros and variable arguments so no need for tricky sizeof... packing/unpacking expressions.

Overall, sizeof is much more integrated into Rust as a systems programming language where controlling memory layout is important. Rust pushes the operator further than C/C++ in terms of safety and ergonomics.

The combination of repr, as, and sizeof give Rust extremely strong facilities for low level memory manipulation – all completely safe!


Hopefully this diving tour of Rust‘s sizeof operator has shed light on how compilers analyze code to extract vital type information.

Whether optimizing hot paths for memory locality, stitching binaries to legacy C interfaces, or painting bits onto metal – understanding sizeof is a key tool in your systems programming toolbox.

Rust‘s unified type system makes sizeof powerful and easy to use correctly. So leverage it provide strong static guarantees around that most precious resource – memory.

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