How to Enable Bluetooth in Ubuntu

If you have Bluetooth off in Ubuntu here, we show you how to enable it

If you use Ubuntu 15 or higher, you should not have problems with Bluetooth, but if for any reason you do not find Bluetooth on your Ubuntu today I show you how Bluetooth is enabled in these operating systemsFor this, we will use BlueZ, which is the stack adopted by Linux for Bluetooth.

Install BlueZ, for it we open a terminal, execute the following sentence and wait for the installation to finish:

sudo apt-get install bluez

Reset the network devices, for this; we run the next command:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Start the Bluetooth; we execute the command below:

sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start

Now you can see the Bluetooth on your computer, if you go to the search engine and put Bluetooth, you will see a blue icon, like the one in the following image:

How to turn off Bluetooth from Ubuntu startup

If you want Bluetooth not to start when you start Ubuntu so that it does not consume resources, you must put the following sentence in the terminal:

sudo gedit /etc/rc.local

This sentence will open the rc.local file, in which we must write rfkill block bluetooth before the line of exit 0 and save, as you can see in the following image:

Note: If you don't see the line exit 0, you can add it yourself without any problem.

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