How To Install Firefox Quantum on Ubuntu
How to install Firefox Quantum step by step in Ubuntu.
What is Mozilla Firefox Quantum?
Mozilla has developed the version of a new Firefox browser that we were all waiting to be able to stand up to its competition as is Chrome.
This new browser is driven by an entirely revamped and modernized engine that after testing calls your attention for power and efficiency Your version number (57) has been assigned and will include a series of improvements and new features highlighting how fast the new Firefox will be, hence the new name Firefox Quantum.
Install Mozilla Firefox Quantum on Ubuntu
For this case, we will use Ubuntu 17.10, and we must bear in mind that the existing Firefox installation will be updated to an unstable version of Quantum.
A series of add-ons and existing extensions will not work in the newer version. It is possible to remove Quantum and return to Firefox 56 by rerunning its installation.
Mozilla has an official PPA to test the beta version. We can use the same PPA to install Firefox Quantum.
For this we will execute the following line:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next
Once the official PPA has been downloaded, we proceed to update the packages by running the line:
sudo apt update
Firefox Quantum on Ubuntu 17.10
If we have Firefox, we will see that it has been updated to Quantum. The Firefox logo changed immediately, if not, we run the following line to install or upgrade Mozilla Firefox:
sudo apt install Firefox
Now we will see the new Mozilla Firefox logo:
By clicking on that shortcut and we will see the welcome screen of Mozilla Firefox Quantum:
We can verify that version 57 associated with Quantum has been installed:
Return Mozilla Firefox To Its stable version
In case you do not want to continue using Mozilla Firefox for any compatibility issue, we can return to version 56, which is stable, executing the following lines:
sudo apt remove firefox sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next sudo apt install firefox
So we will be again with the stable version of Mozilla Firefox.
Mozilla has improved Firefox Quantum so that the tab that we use actively is downloaded and executed before other tabs that are in the background.