Kali Linux Now Available in the Microsoft Store on Windows 10

Kali Linux is one of the Linux distributions for pen-testing and audit the most complete and known system and network security that we can find on the network.

This distribution has always worked as a completely independent system, having to start our computer from your USB or from your DVD to begin using the tool. However, with the arrival of the Linux subsystem for Windows 10, the developers have worked in being able to bring this suite directly to the Microsoft system, being able to have at hand all the tools and functions that Kali Linux offers us without relying on this system exclusively.

Last month we published a manual where we explained how we could manually install Kali Linux in Windows 10 thanks to the Windows Subsystem for Linux. The process for this is entirely manual, and a bit tedious, especially for users who like to follow the steps to the letter and everything works the first time since it usually is not like that.

To make the task of installing Kali Linux even more comfortable in Windows 10, the developers of this distribution have just published in the Microsoft Store, a new application that downloads and prepares our Linux subsystem for to be able to run Kali Linux in Windows 10 without having to make any further configuration.

This new application is entirely free, and you can download it directly from the Microsoft Store from the following link.


This application will be responsible for preparing our subsystem Linux with Kaliso that, instead of having to manually perform all the steps that we explained in the article last January, just download this application and we can have our security distribution entirely ready for work.

How to Launch Kali Linux in Windows 10

This application will be responsible for doing everything necessary to prepare this distribution in Windows 10. Once downloaded and installed the app, the only thing we must do to boot this distro is to execute in any window of CMD the command “kali,” or select the corresponding Kali Linux icon that we will have in the Windows Start Menu.

When starting, the ideal would be to update the repositories and packages of the distribution to ensure we have it to the latest using the commands:

apt update

apt dist-upgrade

When these commands are finished, we will have a version of Kali Linux running on Windows 10 in a fully functional way. The only limitation of Kali Linux for Windows 10 is that we imagine that for security reasons, and to be able to be published in the store, the distro comes without any hacking tool installed by default.

So this task depends on us, having to install manually the applications that we want, or need, using the command “apt” of Linux.

How about this new app to install Kali Linux in Windows 10?

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