Use Wget with Rotating Proxies

How to Use Wget with Rotating Proxies

Wget is one of the most ubiquitous command line utilities used for downloading content from the web. Originally released in 1996, it offers useful functionality like resuming interrupted transfers, recursive mirroring of sites, and automating file downloads – all accessible right from the comfort of the terminal.

Over 25 years later, Wget continues to be popular among developers and sysadmins alike. The latest version – 1.21 – was released in 2021. An estimated 90% of Linux users have Wget installed on their systems. The numbers are a testament to its usefulness.

However, the web today is very different from the early days of Wget. As its usage for scraping sites grew, anti-bot technologies evolved to detect and block scrapers. Now, directly using Wget to download content often results in failures and errors.

This is where proxies come into the picture. Proxies help mask Wget's traffic to appear more human-like and avoid blocks.

In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn:

  • How to configure proxies with Wget on Linux
  • Implement free proxy rotation for basic scraping
  • Leverage premium residential proxies for flawless scraping
  • Follow best practices for successful web scraping

By the end, you'll be able to use Wget to effectively download and scrape content from any website on the modern web. Let's get started!

Wget as a Web Scraping Tool

While Wget is popular for generic file downloads, one of its most common use cases today is scraping content from websites. The terms web scraping and web data extraction refer to the automated collection of data from sites, usually for analysis.

Wget offers some great benefits for scraping:

  • Lightweight and fast – It runs directly on the terminal without heavy browser requirements. This allows for quicker scraping.
  • Recursive downloading – The -r flag lets you mirror entire website structures for offline archival and backups.
  • Resuming downloads – You can pause and resume partial downloads thanks to the -c flag. This helps in case of errors or unstable connections.
  • Custom filenames – Downloaded files can be saved with the -O parameter instead of default names like index.html.

However, there's a challenge – websites don't want you to scrape them! Sites have several anti-scraping mechanisms to detect and block bots:

  • IP rate limiting – Allowing only a certain number of requests from an IP.
  • User Agent checks – Blocking requests from unknown user agents.
  • CAPTCHAs – Prompting suspicious traffic for human verification.
  • IP bans – Blocking an IP once detected as a scraper.

This is where using proxies with Wget helps circumvent blocks.

How Proxies Help Wget Avoid Blocks

A proxy acts as an intermediary that forwards your traffic to the destination website. Here's a simplified diagram:

You -> Proxy Server -> Target Website

When you make a request to a website, it passes through the proxy server first, which then sends it to the actual website before returning the response to you.

This provides two major advantages:

  1. It hides your real IP address. The website only sees the proxy's IP, not yours.
  2. It allows you to appear from another geographic location. You can access region-restricted content.

Blocking a single proxy doesn't stop the scraping process because the idea is to constantly rotate across multiple proxy IPs. We'll see how to implement this later.

First, let's go through the basics of configuring a proxy for Wget.

Setting Up a Wget Proxy

Wget allows specifying proxies by setting some environment variables:

  • http_proxy – Proxy for HTTP requests
  • https_proxy – Proxy for HTTPS requests
  • ftp_proxy – Proxy for FTP requests

You can set these in a few ways:

  1. Using a wgetrc file in the user's home directory or a custom file.
  2. Via command line options.
  3. Setting environment variables directly.

A wgetrc configuration file is the most common and portable method. The file uses a simple key = value format:

http_proxy = http://server:port 
https_proxy = http://server:port

To use it, pass the file path with --config:

wget --config /path/to/wgetrc

Now Wget will download through the proxies specified.

Proxy Authentication

Some proxies require authentication before use, especially commercial ones.

Wget supports two forms of proxy authorization – Basic and NTLM.

To add credentials for Basic auth proxies:

proxy_user = username
proxy_password = password

For NTLM proxies, use:

proxy_ntlm = true
proxy_user = username
proxy_password = password

Pass the wgetrc file containing the credentials to enable authorization.

Common Proxy Formats

Proxy servers are specified in the format:

  • Protocol – httphttps or socks5
  • IP – Proxy server's IP address
  • Port – Proxy port number (usually 8080, 1080)

Some examples:

  • – HTTP proxy
  • socks5:// – SOCKS5 proxy
  • – HTTPS proxy

Now that you know how to configure proxies, let's move on to rotating proxies.

Rotating Proxies for Wget

The idea of rotating proxies is to constantly cycle through different proxy IPs with each request. This prevents the target website from profiling the traffic and recognizing it as a scraper.

Let's go through two ways to implement rotating proxies with Wget – using free public proxies and premium services.

Rotating Free Public Proxies

A simple method is to create a text file containing free public proxies, and randomly select one for each request.

Start by gathering some free proxy servers, with each on a new line in proxies.txt:

Next, write a bash script that shuffles this list and sets a random proxy for Wget:


while true 
   proxy=$(shuf -n 1 proxies.txt)
   wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=$proxy
   sleep 5

This continuously picks a random proxy and hits the target site, pausing 5 seconds between requests.

The origin IP printed will now be different with each request made by Wget, thereby rotating across proxies!

However, there are some downsides to free public proxies:

  • Proxies may stop working at any time making them unreliable.
  • They have slow speeds since many users share them.
  • Not enough proxy IPs to prevent blocks on large sites.
  • Often detected as bots due to poor uptime and no custom headers.

For real robustness, we need premium residential rotating proxies.

Premium Proxies – Bright Data

Free proxy rotation works well for small personal projects. But for commercial scraping, a premium proxy provider is essential.

Bright Data offers high-quality residential proxies designed specifically for web scraping.

Here are some benefits that make it ideal for Wget:

  • 72 million+ residential IPs – Huge pool ensures constant rotation.
  • Automatic rotation – IPs rotate seamlessly with each request.
  • 99.99% uptime – Reliable with no downtime for 24×7 scraping.
  • Geo targeting – Target proxies from specific cities or countries.
  • Custom headers – Make requests appear more organic.
  • High speeds – Spin up more concurrent threads for faster scraping.
  • Dev-friendly – Easy to integrate with REST API and libraries.

Bright Data's proxies come from real residential devices like home WiFi networks. This makes them appear exactly as a normal user browsing a site, fully cloaking Wget's traffic.

Let's see how to use Bright Data with Wget:


  1. Sign up for a free Bright Data account to access their proxy API.
  2. Create a new Residential Proxy zone. Choose the “Immediate Access” plan to get started quickly with no approval needed.
  3. Copy your unique customer_idzone_name and zone_password credentials from the zone's Access Parameters tab.
  4. Add the following to your wgetrc, replacing with your credentials:
http_proxy = http://customer_id-zone_name:[email protected]:22225 
https_proxy = http://customer_id-zone_name:[email protected]:22225

That's it! Wget will now use Bright Data's residential proxies.


To target a specific country, add the country code to the username section like:

http_proxy = http://customer_id-zone_name-country-us:zone_password@......

The full Bright Data API offers additional targeting options beyond countries like cities, mobile carriers, IP types etc.

With over 195 geolocations, you can scrape sites from anywhere in the world. The IP will automatically rotate before each request, making it virtually impossible for sites to block the scraping.

And thanks to the sheer scale of 72 million physical devices, you can massively parallelize requests and achieve blazing fast scraping speeds.

Web Scraping Best Practices

Here are some tips to ensure the highest success rates when scraping with Wget and proxies:

Use Real Browser User Agents

Websites check the User Agent string to detect bots. Wget's default one is easily identifiable.

Set a real browser UA like Chrome or Firefox:

user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)..."

Implement Random Delays

Adding small delays between requests and limiting download speeds can help avoid overload errors:

wait=2 # 2 second delay
limit_rate=100k # 100 KB/s limit

Fix Common Errors

407 Authentication Required – Your proxy needs valid credentials.

400 Bad Request – Double check for typos in proxy URL. Try accessing site directly.

Check Response Codes

Use Wget's --server-response option to output response codes to debug errors.

Utilize Proxy Groups

Group similar residential IPs to consistently target specific sites. This avoids mixing IPs across sites.

Limit Daily Usage

Monitor bandwidth usage and stay under provider's allowed limits to maintain reputation.

Here's a Cheatsheet of Best Practices:

Goal Approach
Avoid blocks Rotate user agents and proxies frequently
Speed up scraping Increase concurrent connections and threads
Debug errors Inspect server response codes and logs
Consistent profiles Utilize proxy groups/sticky sessions
Respect sites Limit daily usage and employ delays


In this comprehensive guide, you learned how to leverage proxies with Wget to overcome anti-bot mechanisms while scraping websites.

We covered:

  • Configuring proxies in Wget on Linux
  • Rotating free public proxies
  • Using premium residential proxies from Bright Data
  • Following scraping best practices

The key takeaway is this – free proxies are unreliable and get blocked easily. For smooth and uninterrupted scraping, a paid solution like Bright Data is highly recommended.

The scale of 72M IPs ensures constant rotation to avoid blocks, while still providing targeting flexibility. Integrating Bright Data with Wget unlocks its full potential for web data extraction.

Scraping the modern web requires adapting to evolving anti-bot technologies. Hopefully, this guide provided you the right techniques and tools to scrape any site successfully with Wget proxies.

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